Thursday, October 25, 2012

Harley Quinn - Stage 2

Last night I drove over to Mom's house to work on Harley - she has all of the equipment and wisdom, after all. Didn't get there til later than I intended, since Colorado realized Halloween is next week meaning it is time to snow. I somehow thought I'd get a lot more done in a few hours, which is silly because I am awfully slow.  But what I did get done looks pretty decent - I have mom's serger (Google does not recognize the word serger. For shame, Google.) to thank for that, mostly. Here are some bad pictures.

Fixing the Unitard:   I originally marked a point in front and in back for cutting, since I need more room for my bum than in front - then realized since I'm turning the bottom around that would be a very bad idea very fast. So I marked a point at my hips, laid the uni flat, folded it in half, then cut straight across.  Put the right (outside) sides together, and serge.

You can see I started to pin some diamonds to the sleeve and leg - will finish those Saturday morning.

Couldn't figure out a good way to get pictures of the hood without putting the whole thing on. Definitely had a bit of a brain field day with with the striped fabric. I'm pretty proud of the way it turned out, though. It's lined with white on the inside, equal parts cozy and flouncy and sinister.

Craft store run today - black thread, sewing needles, acrylic paint so that I can hand-sew some embellishments tonight. Also stage 2 hair-bleaching. And cupcake-making - which is not at all related to this costume.

Also I love hyphens and wish Blogger automatically formatted for em dashes the way Microsoft Word does. And right before I began this sentence I learned the usage differences between an em dash and an en dash.  Maybe I'll do a make-up tutorial tonight.

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